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Balanced nutrition is key to a slow and healthy growth. Over fed puppies and unbalanced diets lead to sudden weight gain which can cause stress on joints. Furthermore, quality fed dogs 100% show in their performance and appearance. At Lunaria Shepherds our dogs diet includes premium kibble, premium 100% grass-fed raw meat, and special supplements when needed. In fact, we love preparing delicious meals for our dogs (as well as grooming) so much that this activity is in fact one of the most looked forward time in our household. There is something very satisfying about looking at a delicious bowl of beautiful creation. 


Nature vs. Nurture


Do genetic factors or environmental factors have a greater influence on your behavior and health? The nature versus nurture debate is one of the oldest issues in psychology. The debate centers on the relative contributions of genetic inheritance and environmental factors to human development but can be applied to animals as well...



Healthy Diet - Part of Responsible Dog Ownership:


We strongly believe in “Nature vs. Nurture”. Genetics is only a part of a dog's growth, as there are other strong influences which can make up a dog's overall health. If you feed a well-bred dog (i.e. a dog with a family history clear of diseases) a terrible diet, over-feed, or over-exercise, then there is a high possibility of a serious health problem developing over time. Being a responsible dog owner not only is about training and giving love. It also means that you are meeting your dogs needs in health, nutrition and exercise.


Our future puppy owners will be sent a PDF file with what we believe are helpful tips and information in regards to nutrition. We will also provide a small bag of kibble to help with adjusting in the new home. All of our dogs wellbeing is crucial to us so we are available lifetime for any advice. We put so much thought & planning in trying to produce structurally correct & healthy puppies so our big wish is that our future puppy owners will continue in investing in their puppy's health & wellbeing after they leave our home.

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